front-end dev

logos of web technologies hanging on the wall

What I do


When I wrote my first line of code, I realized - this is what I want to do. Dark screen packed with monospace characters is where my talents and skills feel like home.

Web Development

Besides Croatian, English and German, JavaScript is the language I dream in. I strive to follow functional programming principles, as writing clean and human-readable code. In the wide world of programming, I have quickly found a niche to settle in - creating User Interfaces.

User Interfaces

Coding Single-page applications with React library, as well as coding traditional websites with Vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML are my domaines of work. Git it? 😀

My Work

What makes me happy

Family | Music | Cycling

Family is my source of motivation and energy. They make my bad days better and my good days the best. That's why I'm always in a good mood, which also makes my code better.

Music is all about singing the right tone at the right moment. Every millisecond counts, as in page load time.

When I'm not cyling through arrays, I enjoy cyling through fields with my road bike. I don't try to reinvent the wheel, I just use it as often as I can.

Toni Kulić smiling

My work

A selection of my range of work