IP AddressTracker

IP Geolocation

ip address tracker screenshot


This is a solution to the IP address tracker challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help to improve coding skills by building realistic projects.

Vanilla JavaScript application for determining location based on the IP Address. Utilizes IPWHOIS.io - IP Geolocation API and Leaflet library for generating interactive maps.


  1. Project initialization as a public repository on GitHub
  2. Planning out HTML structure and CSS classes based on design files
  3. Writing out HMTL and preparing it for DOM interactions with JavaScript
  4. Styling the page from top to bottom by utilizing mobile-first approach
  5. Adding media queries for desktop layout
  6. Integrating IP Geolocation into the script
  7. Adding the interactive map and binding it to Geolocation data
  8. Configuring repository to publish code with GitHub Pages

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